Reasons Why People Get Involved In Falls

Are you aware that around 30% of all people that get involved in a fall suffer injuries that are moderate to severe? The injuries can make it hard for the people to move around or live independently. This is one of the prime reasons why someone is required to care for them when other members of the family are away on work or other reasons. The numbers of elderly over the age of 65 falling is up to 33%, which must be considered as a matter for concern. It is estimated that at least one senior citizen is taken to the ER for treatment for a fall-related injury.

Age is a factor which increases the chances of being injured seriously during a fall-related injury, and it is essential to identify the risk factors among the loved ones and applying precautionary measures to increase their longevity and ensure peace of mind to the family. Among the reasons that are of high concern and can be the cause for falls, and related injuries are some of the most common and are also related to the age of the individual.

Cataracts and impaired vision: Cataracts and glaucoma alter the perception of depth from people who have these conditions. They are susceptible to glare and have a peripheral vision which makes it difficult for them to view things properly. The solution would be to add color and contrast to make it easier for them to identify things and also put in place grab bars and handrails.

The home can really be considered one of the best places to be out of danger but in sharp contrast, it is a place that has a number of falling hazards. The solution in this case would be again as before to add safeguards, which will prevent such incidences.

The elderly is often required to take medications, which could be sedatives and antidepressants. These are the kind of medications, which reduce mental alertness and affect balance. It also causes a drop in systolic blood pressure in a standing position. Some medications interact with the general and increase the effects which can cause falls.

Chronic conditions such as heart disease and Parkinson’s are also reasons for people falling in the home.

In all the cases mentioned in the discussion, it will be necessary for members of the family to think about having a caregiver around the elderly to ensure that patients regularly follow the treatment plants provided to them. Caregivers from bright star adopt a unique and comprehensive approach when trying to help you stay safe in your home. They even provide tips and videos and the checklist for home safety. People will do one to visit Bright Star West Metro Minneapolis to understand the way they can handle such matters without a great deal of difficulty.

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